Our third meeting of the year went smoothly as the Pawns continued lessons with James on the basics of controlling the center while Chris reviewed how Forks are a powerful tactic to use in the middlegame with the Knights, Rooks and Kings. A video from Chesskid.com was shown that outlined the fork principles and you can watch it here:
Parents are in the process of completing registration. We had a number of fees and forms turned in. If you haven’t finished the six registration steps yet, please do so as the deadline for completion is September 27th. We have a few students who are still attending our club to see if they want to continue on as members, so remember to be helpful to anyone who is new.
We will be testing students next week to see if they are ready to move up in Skill groups, so look forward to that next week.
The first scholastic tournament of the year is happening NEXT WEEKEND, September 14th. Us coaches highly encourage everyone to attend at least one tournament this year. You can find details on how to register at this link: Meridian School Tournament.
The second scholastic tournament of the year will be held at one of our favorite locations, Casis Elementary on November 9th. You can register for that tournament here: Casis Elementary Tournament. (It is my favorite location because there is a Starbucks DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STREET!!!)
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