Spicewood Elementary students participated in the Mountain Laurel Elementary Chess Tournament on Saturday, April 11th, 2015. Congratulations to all of our students who participated in this tournament.
Spicewood Elementary Chess Club
Central Texas Chess club
Spicewood Elementary students participated in the Mountain Laurel Elementary Chess Tournament on Saturday, April 11th, 2015. Congratulations to all of our students who participated in this tournament.
The last scholastic tournament of the school year is this Saturday, April 11th at Laurel Mountain Elementary. There will be NO onsite registration, and your last chance to register online is this Wednesday, April 8th by midnight. This tournament has a 400 player cap and they are already at 390, so if you are planning to attend, you should click the registration link below.
Laurel Mountain Elementary chess tournament website
Tournament registration website
Good luck to all of our students this weekend!
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Over spring break, we held a contest to see who played the most games of chess and who completed the most puzzles on Chesskid.com. Here are the results:
Congratulations to DisgustingDog for winning the most games played AND solving 86 puzzles correctly. Everyone who participated will receive Chess Bucks at the next Club meeting.
The 2015 Austin Area Scholastic and Open Championships will be held at Laurel Mountain Elementary Saturday, April 11, 2015.
This is the final tournament of the school year. If your child has not yet attended a tournament, this is the last scholastic tournament of the school year.
Students are not expected to attend every round and may miss multiple rounds for other activities by requesting a bye.
There is a 400 student cap.
Register here:
20 Spicewood Elementary students participated in the Casis Elementary Chess Tournament on Saturday, March 7th 2015. After 5 rounds of chess, plenty of practice chess in the cafeteria and some outdoor playtime, we had a number of students win medals and trophies in their respective sections. Congratulations to all of our students who participated in this tournament.
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