Upcoming Laurel Mountain Elementary Tournament

The 2015 Austin Area Scholastic and Open Championships will be held at Laurel Mountain Elementary Saturday, April 11, 2015.

This is the final tournament of the school year.  If your child has not yet attended a tournament, this is the last scholastic tournament of the school year.

Students are not expected to attend every round and may miss multiple rounds for other activities by requesting a bye.

There is a 400 student cap.

Register here:

Casis Elementary Tournament Results

20 Spicewood Elementary students participated in the Casis Elementary Chess Tournament on Saturday, March 7th 2015. After 5 rounds of chess, plenty of practice chess in the cafeteria and some outdoor playtime, we had a number of students win medals and trophies in their respective sections.  Congratulations to all of our students who participated in this tournament.

Continue reading “Casis Elementary Tournament Results”

Hungarian Chess Set

Searching on Ebay, one can come across some interesting Chess related items. The photos below are of a Hungarian chess set made of sterling silver, gold and enameled with stones. The item description states it was once owned by a royal family. Can you guess how much they are selling it for? $180,000! Who knows if they will get someone to buy it, but just look at the level of detail that went into making it! I particularly like the horses coming out of the corners of the board but I would worry that if I played chess on it, I might break it and have to buy it!

Embed Chess Games

KnightVision provides a method to embed chess games from an existing PGN file and allows the viewer to “step” through the game for analysis and review.

PGN Files

A PGN file is a text file that contains all the details of a single chess game, including each move, step by step until the conclusion of the game.  PGN files are very useful teaching tools.

This is an amazing PGN of “The Game of the Century” between Bobby Fischer and Donald Byrne. Continue reading “PGN Files”

First post

This website was setup on March 5th, 2015.  We hope that this site will help our students and parents learn more about the game of Chess.

We also have the ability to post chess games from PGN files as well as arbitrarily set positions on a chess board.

[fen]rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/2BPPB2/2P2P2/PP1NN1PP/R2QK2R b KQkq – 0 1[/fen]

This is an example of the 10 golden moves.  White has positioned their pieces in the “bull” formation with the bishops as horns.