Meridian Tournament Results

Screen Shot 2015-08-27 at 9.43.03 PMWe had 24 students from Spicewood Elementary participate in the Meridian Tournament last weekend.  The tournament consisted of 5 rounds of games each worth 1 point.  In total, our kids scored a total of 64.5 out of a possible 120 points.   Six Spicewood students received trophies for scoring in the top percentile of their groups:  James Shivam, Jacob Li, Bela Jere, Raghav Aggarwal, Aryan Punalekar and Ethan Tang. Seven Spicewood students received medals for scoring in the second percentile of their groups: Iam Leong, Alexander Ho, Darryl Tang, William Du, Sambit Kanjilal, Annika Shivam, and Marvel Chung.  Congratulations to all of our participants.  Each will receive 5 Chess bucks for participation.

Tshirt Design Contest Results

The Chess Club held a design contest to design our next Tshirt.  Today at the club meeting, it was the last day to turn in submissions.  A committee of 5 parents reviewed each submission and a clear winner was determined.


Congratulations to Abigail Yarbrough for winning this year’s contest.   We especially liked the panther head on the King piece as well as the chess pieces making the letters in the words.  We all look forward to seeing your design on our club tshirts this year.

Chess Club Returns This Friday

back-to-school-clipart-summerThe Chess club welcomes all students back to school and hope everyone had a relaxing and fun summer vacation.

Friday, August 26th is the first Friday of the new school year and we invite all returning chess club members to attend starting at 6:30AM. New students are invited to start attending next Friday, September 2nd.

Make sure you follow the 4 easy steps to signup: 1) fill out the student registration form, 2) volunteer for door monitor slots, 3) volunteer for open chess club volunteer positions and finally 4) give your registration fee checks to Mrs. Reeb in the library.

At this Friday’s meeting for returning students, we will show a video on the Ruy Lopez opening. The Ruy Lopez is one of the most popular openings in chess. The video reviews some of the common themes you might see when playing the Ruy Lopez.

Club Registration Opens

online-registration-youth-sportsRegistration for the 2016-2017 school year has opened.  Please click on the About section above and then click on the Registration link.  That page gives some details about the registration process and a link to the Registration Form.

You can also click here to go directly to that page.

We will be closing club registration PROMPTLY on Friday September 1st so please register as soon as possible.  

Chess Books!!!

Do you know how many books have been published about the game of Chess?  Since Chess is such an old game, some estimate that over 100,000 books have been written about it.  Even today, over 300 new Chess books are published each year.  No one has the time to read all the available Chess books, so we have to rely on reviews from expert Chess players to tell us which books are the most effective and useful.

Want to see the covers of over 900 Chess books?  Here you go:

Summer Chess Camps

Chess Camps

There are a number of chess camps running this summer that are excellent ways for you to keep improving your Chess skills.  We list some of them below:

Best in Class Education Center in the Galleria Oaks shopping center on Research at Anderson Mill Rd. is hosting a Chess camp which is run by our club friend Gary Gaiffe.  To register for this camp contact the Best in Class Education Center at 512-375-3245.  There is limited space at this venue so don’t wait too long to sign up as they expect to have more campers than we can accommodate.

  • August 1 – 5

North Austin Mathnasium located on Anderson Mill Road is hosting 4 chess camp weeks. Summer Chess Camp at Mathnasium! Featuring National Master Paul Chaplin, this camp offers five exciting full days immersed in a fun yet structured hybrid learning environment. Offering beginning and advanced grouping, individual and team competitions, t-shirts, awards and prizes!!

  • June 6 – 10
  • June 20 – 24
  • July 11 – 15
  • August 8 – 12

2015-2016 End of School Year Review

We come to the conclusion of another fantastic school year and have put together a review of the Chess Club’s accomplishments this year.  Please look through the file below that outlines all the great things our kids and volunteers have done over the past school year.

We look forward to next year with great enthusiasm and want to thank all of our volunteers, without which, none of this would be possible.
You can also view this file in PDF or PowerPoint format.