Our Chess Club had a fantastic year and to end on a high note, we decided to put together a review of our accomplishments. Please look through the file below that outlines all the great things our kids and volunteers have done over the past school year.
Club Sponsor Thank You
Last week, we asked for donations from the parents in order to give thank you gift cards to three hardworking school staff that help make our club so successful. Those donations were used to purchase three Target gift cards that were given to the following awesome people:
Laura Reeb has been our hardworking club sponsor who was kind enough to wake up extra early every Friday to make sure the school doors were open for Chess Club meetings. She also made sure to properly report the monthly finances and handled items like Chess books returned by students.
Hernan Benitiz has also helped the club by ensuring the school doors are open for us.
Courtney Torres graciously placed all of the orders for chess equipment, chess books and other items throughout the year.
We received the following message from Laura Reeb:
Hernan and I would like to say a big thank you for our gift cards. You are very generous and we appreciate your thoughtfulness. I have enjoyed being your sponsor this year. It has been a big eye-opener to see all that it takes to make the Chess Club successful. Parents have given so much time to make the club run smoothly… true dedication to our kids!
I hope you all have a wonderful summer.
See you next year!

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