T-Shirt Day!

At today’s Club meeting, we handed out the new Chess club T-shirts to all attending students. Don’t worry if you missed the meeting today, we will get your shirt to you.  If you are a parent that ordered one and were not at today’s meeting, please come next week and make sure you pay for the extra shirt. ($7)  James recognized Abigail Yarbrough in front of the whole club, thanking her for her winning design.  Everyone loves it.  (See her photo in the slideshow below).  It was probably one of a few opportunities we would have to take a group photo with everyone wearing the shirt, so enjoy the photos below.  It really is like herding cats trying to get everyone to stay still long enough and actually smile at the same time!  Thanks to all the parents that attended today for your help and a special thanks goes out to Christina Mason for leading the procurement and pickup of the Tshirts.

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